WAM Moment of the Week

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Blog makeover day is tomorrow! Just saying 😀

We all have times when something happens where you know that it’s annoying and totally not funny, but the back of your brain is laughing at you cause you know it’ll be funny later and that if it happened to anyone else you’d find it hilarious! Or there’s times as a mommy where it’s simply a situation that other moms can totally relate too. 
I’ve decide to share one of these moments with you each week. Hoping you laugh or chuckle along with me, or even have a smile and an “Oh my gosh, I so know the feeling” moment. It’s the Wife. Author. Mother. Moment of the Week and it’s starting right now! 😛 😀
WAM Moment of the Week:
Standing at the front of the line at the checkout in a gas station. I’m trying to buy a litre of oil for my van. Just as it’s almost my turn I remember that payday isn’t until tomorrow and this happened to be one of those weeks where we needed every dollar. So I’m frantically punching at my phone to check the mobile banking app. I don’t have enough on the one debit card, or in the other debit account. (don’t have credit cards right now cause we gotta pay down some debt) Oy vay! I have to use two separate debit cards, plus transfer a couple dollars into the chequing on the one of them just to make it work. What? Confirm transfer? Yes. Confirmed transfer for the third time already! Smashing the button again and again. Stupid touch pad. Meanwhile there’s a pile up of six people behind me and feeling all their eyes on my back doesn’t make it any easier to do the thing quickly. 2 debit cards and one money transfer on a mobile app later I walk out the door with oil in hand, hooray! I then proceed to walk right back in again as I’ve left my keys on the counter. Yeah, I am that person. But I really don’t mean to be, don’t even want to be! 😐 :S 😀 LOL 
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